Prashanth Kumar AL Selvakumar (Malaysian)

“I need a part-time course that can fit into my work schedule and provide me with knowledge of the current times.”

Question: What is your current position, industry, and nationality?

Current position: Township Manager at Gamuda Land Sdn Bhd

Industry: Township Planning and Management

Nationality: Malaysia, Indian

Question: What inspired or motivated you to enroll in the DBA program?

It all started one year ago when I thought of doing a part-time course, but at that time, I wasn’t sure what to enroll in. Then a few months later, I told myself, why not try for the DBA program.

In October 2019, I decided to check out some colleges or universities that offered such programs. My main challenge is that I need a part-time course that can fit into my work schedule and provide me with knowledge of the current times. This is when I found the Mantissa DBA Program from IPE, Paris.

The syllabus that is offered is what I was looking for, and knowing this, I decided to enroll in the program. I also wanted to obtain my Doctorate mainly for my career development in the corporate world and perhaps one day to become a lecturer myself.

I always believed that knowledge should be shared. My life motto is to achieve hype every 5 years.

Question: What did you learn from the program?

The DBA program at Mantissa has taught me to look at the bigger picture at an organizational level, why some decisions are made, and for what reason. Looking at the current pandemic, how global organizations are taking on new challenges. With this information, I am able to deliver these ideas to my organization.

Question: How has this DBA program helped you in your life (career/personal development)?

So far, after going through three modules, it has surely widened my knowledge and understanding of how an organization operates. Reading online journals and articles from very highly reputable firms has allowed me to increase my knowledge.

I believe this will assist me in taking on more challenges in the organization that I am working for.

Question: Why did you choose Mantissa?

I chose Mantissa because it has international recognition and certification from the International Institution. Mantissa also has a flexible learning module that caters to the demands of the business world. The lecturers are very knowledgeable and have many years of experience in the industry. This is surely very important when doing your DBA. It is very important that both lecturers and students can share experiences and relate that to certain policies or theories.

At Mantissa College, we deliver the Doctor of Business Administration program (DBA) in collaboration with L’Institut pour I’Expertise (IPE) Management School Paris, France. The study duration for this program takes around three (3) to five (5) years to complete with 100% assignment and no examination.

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