Getting a part-time job while you’re at college will put some much needed extra cash in your pocket. It will help cover bills, buy food, and pay for a few nights out with friends. Most importantly, it will reduce the stress that comes with money worries, giving you more time and energy to focus on what matters most: getting the best grades. You can also signup an account at for more freelance jobs!
1. Pet Sitting
Earn extra cash at university by pet sitting or dog walking through platforms like Set up your profile today and start earning RM10-RM25 an hour.
2. Restaurants/Catering
Flexible hours and tips make restaurant and catering jobs perfect for students. In Kuala Lumpur, servers can take home around RM20 per busy shift.
3. Tutoring
Put your academic skills to work with part-time tutoring. Earn up to RM30 an hour, teaching remotely using apps like Zoom or platforms like Preply.
4. Retail
Work part-time as a store assistant and earn at least RM10 an hour. With more responsibilities, you could make over RM20 an hour, boosting your monthly budget.
5. Copywriter
Freelance as a copywriter or content writer and earn RM15-RM25 an hour. Perfect for English Literature students or aspiring journalists.
6. Food Delivery
Earn up to RM200 a week delivering food in Kuala Lumpur. Flexible hours with popular apps like Grabfood and FoodPanda help pay your college expenses.
Ready to Kickstart Your Business Career? Explore Mantissa College’s Dynamic Business Administration Programme and Get the Chance to Earn French-Awarded Programme While Making Extra Pocket Money!
Are you ready to take the first step in your business career? Mantissa College offers a dynamic Business Administration programme in collaboration with Paris Graduate School of Management, France. With the opportunity to study in Malaysia and have the ability to earn while you learn, this programme is perfect for post-secondary school applicants with credits who want to dive straight into higher education level while making extra pocket money. To find out more, enquire the form below or click here to apply online with the scan copy of your SPM/O-Level/STPM/A-Level results.