Abdul Hadi Bin Othman (Malaysian)

“I like to challenge myself in life! Life is a journey, and everyone’s path is different. Obtaining a bachelor’s degree at a later stage in life is not an issue as long as I’m pursuing what I’ve desired all this while.”

Question: Your current position, industry, nationality

I’m currently working as a certified translator in translation services for almost 5 years, serving multiple clients worldwide. My nationality is Malaysian.

Question: What inspired or motivated you to enroll in the BBA program?

I like to challenge myself in life! Life is a journey, and everyone’s path is different. Obtaining a bachelor’s degree at a later stage in life is not an issue as long as I’m pursuing what I’ve desired all this while.

We should only compete with one person: ourselves. I had also promised my late parents that I will one day get my degree scroll.

Apparently, knowledge, skills, experiences, and passion complement each other. Who knows, I might start my own business in the future!

Question: What did you learn from the program?

I strongly believe that learning is a never-ending process.

Academically, I gained precious knowledge in particular fields that I’ve never thought of learning – finance, accounting, and business law.

The unforgettable moment throughout my academic journey with Mantissa College was my involvement in the Community Service Project. The purpose of that project was to raise funds for homeless communities.

It was an eye-opener as my team and I were able to raise the necessary funds to distribute the daily necessities to around 150 homeless people across Kuala Lumpur.

We all felt a sense of achievement when the homeless community was thankful for the meals and moral support given.

For me, spreading love and giving back to society is the true meaning of life.

Question: How has this BBA program helped you in your life (career / personal development)?

Undeniably, many subjects resonate with my working environment.

It helps me to better understand people and organizational behavior and how I should react or manage specific situations.

For example, intercultural management gives me an overview of cultural diversity and the importance of adopting appropriate body language and gestures during a negotiation.

This BBA program is a combination of arts and science, covering numerical know-how, statistical approaches to the area of people management, critical thinking, and the creative process.

There is no right or wrong in decision-making, but trial and error is the key to proper mitigation and a contingency plan.

Throughout this study, I managed to gain lots of tips and pieces of advice from lecturers and friends on how to cope with such difficulty.

Question: Why did you choose Mantissa?

I did some research and screening before enrolling with Mantissa College.

I found that the schedule is flexible for working adults. The campus is also near my house, hence easy to commute.

Moreover, the qualification is awarded by ESGCI PGSM, a prestigious and renowned institution in France.

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